Welcome to lalkulish sanatan sanskriti Probodhan abhiyan

In the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says:

“O Bharat! At all times, Yuga after Yuga, when Dharma suffers harm and adharma increases, I incarnate to protect the virtuous, destroy those that are evil, and to establish Dharma.”

Thus, the Lord incarnates to establish universal order in accordance with Dharma (the moral law) and cultural and spiritual values delineated by him.

Sanatan Dharma is ‘apaurusheya’, that is, not established by any human being. The principles, ideals and values delineated by God himself at the beginning of creation survive and remain till the end of creation. By upholding such eternal values devoid of all contradictions, Sanatan Dharma  and Sanatan Culture which are the protectors and upholders of all life and nature are an ever auspicious and eternal way of life. Great Sages have appeared from time to time and have dispelled the contradicting views and beliefs of their times and given to mankind a framework of harmonious values and principles so that the people may cast away the soul-destroying material way of life and instead adopt a way of life which is consistent with this Sanatan Culture (eternal culture) which is humanitarian and auspicious in this and the next life. However, various sections of society attached the names of the great Sages with their teachings and named them as this or that dharma.  In this way, with the passage of time, all manner of ‘religions’ with varying names proliferated along with the inevitable aberrations that came to be introduced by later proliferators. Over time, instead of adhering to the Sanatan Dharma explained by the Sages, people began to follow all manner of philosophies, isms and dogmas according to succession and personal convenience. In this process, the worship of incarnations was replaced by the worship of humans subject old age, disease and death. Ashrams ceased to be austere abodes of spiritual practice and instead became opulent places and repositories of wealth and ease.

As a result of the loss of values and chase after materialism fundamental needs of people were no longer equitably met and the number of thugs, beggars, afflicted, suffering and deprived increased. In the blind chase after material comforts and the means of their defense, the rules of nature went on being dishonored. Essential balances in regard to the utilization of nature’s resources – land, water, fire, air - were disturbed and natural calamities increased. People tolerated the consequential suffering with explanations and rationalizations such as “Nature is angry”. But what was really necessary was that, instead of self-determination of likely flaws and causes and adoption of all manner of self-prescribed remedies Mankind should rather once again seek the shelter of Sanatan Dharma and the simple way of life prescribed by the Sanatan Culture for the common good.

The twenty-eighth incarnation of Lord Shiva occurred about 5000 years ago as Lord Lakulish. In modern times, it has fallen to a chain of Gurus to advance  the will of Lord Lakulish to once again revive and propagate the eternal Sanatan Culture. Among these, Lord Lakulish appeared to Pujya Pritam Muniji in his meditation in the autumn of 2007 and commanded him to undertake this task. The latter accepted the responsibility of propagating and advancing the principles and values of Satan Culture throughout the world. Following this event, the necessary favorable circumstances and conditions went on naturally falling into place in Pujya Pritam Muniji’s life on both the spiritual and worldly planes to facilitate the forward conduct of this sacred task. He has begun a movement for the worldwide propagation of the Sanatan Culture and many in India and many nations of the world have come forward and continue to do so to join and advance this mission. In September 2010 Pujya Pritam Muniji has had a charitable trust registered in Delhi under the name ‘Sanatan Sanskrity Prabhodhan Abhiyan’ with the objective of the worldwide propagation of the Sanatan Culture  as divinely willed and commanded by Lord Lakulish. Under his guidance, a worldwide network of workers, preachers, speakers and missionaries is getting rapidly organized for the task. Many spiritual seekers have received initiation and guidance and are progressing on the spiritual path also.

People everywhere in the world without distinction of cast, creed, gender, religious persuasion or nationality are invited to join the movement for the welfare of the world and for the moral, cultural and spiritual benefit of all, firmly established in the faith that all mankind is one family and may auspiciousness befall all.

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