Welcome to lalkulish sanatan sanskriti Probodhan abhiyan

“Among all yogis, the devotee with faith who worships me with mind engrossed in me alone, he is the highest Yogi in my view”.

Lakulish Sanskriti Kendra :

Pujya Pritam Muni was born on 14th February, 1977 at Sarsan Village in the then Panchmahals District of Gujarat, India. In early childhood itself he decided that what he wanted to do in life was practice yoga and propagate the eternal cultural values. He first left home in 1989 and spent a night in meditation in a Durga temple. That night he had a vision of two yogis with illuminated bodies. Both discussed something. After that one of them with a tall and lean body accepted responsibility for him. Both then disappeared after blessing him. After that he continued to experience invisible guidance, cooperation and protection in his life. On 15th  February 1993, he once again left home and went to the Girnar Mountains. Returning from there, with the idea of worldwide propagation of the Sanatan Culture, he put into words the spiritual practice of the paths of action and renunciation and a fully conceptualized plan for the worldwide propagation of the Sanatan Culture.  Though not much inclined towards the usual academic pursuits, he did go through the process of receiving a formal school and college education from institutions in Panch Mahals District, more to keep his parents happy than due to any real interest in studies. He graduated in the Science discipline and also undertook study of the Scriptures. He also traveled to the Himalaya, Girnar and Abu holy mountains and the shores of the  holy rivers of Ganga, Yamuna, Tapi, Mahi, Narmada, etc. By the supreme mercy of his Guru, Lord Shiva, he continued to receive guidance and protection from time to time. For some time, along with his spiritual practice he also taught. Moved by love of God and with the objective of adopting the renunciant’s life, he once again left home on 27th November 2003 with the consent of his entire family.

He received Sannyas initiation on 16th February, 2004 from Pujya Sucharit Muniji, disciple of Swami Kripalvanandji (Bapuji), himself a disciple of Lord Lakulish, twenty-eighth incarnation of Lord Shiva, and on 27th February, 2009 from Pujya Shri Swami Rajarshi Muniji.

For five years following his sannyas initiation (February 2004 to May 2009), he remained engaged in secluded yoga practice in the Himalayan hills near Mussoorie, an ashram at Kanjetha on the banks of the Narmada and the outskirts of Dehra Dun. On 27th May 2009, conferring  his love and blessings to his loved ones, he retired to the higher Himalayan hills with the resolve of not returning till so commanded by his Guru, Lord Lakulish. He returned from there in July 2009 when Swami Rajarshi Muniji, present Spiritual Head of the lineage of Lord Lakulish, conferred upon him the powers of spiritual initiation received from Lord Shiva (Lord Lakulish) and entrusted to him the further advancement of the work of worldwide propagation of Sanatan Sanskrity first commanded in 1956 by Lord Lakulish to Pujya Kripalu Muniji and later commanded to Swami Rajarshi Muniji in 1993. In this way, the divine command of Lord Lakulish indirectly received by Pritam Muniji through darshan of Lord Lakulish in his meditation reached full direct fruition in about two and a half years time. By the grace of Lord Lakulish, Pujya Pritam Muniji has made it his life’s goal to conduct the sanatan Sanskrity mission throughout the world and at the same time to also pursue the spiritual practice of purna yoga (complete yoga) which gives liberation from the five elements, confers knowledge of all time past, present and future and transcends old age and death. He has undertaken tireless efforts for the propagation of the Sanatan Sanskrity in fifteen States of India and in Mauritius, New Zealand and Australia.

If his life’s work is to be described in a few words, it could be said as follows: “Desireless love of God, service of the needy, leadership of the worldwide movement for the propagation of the Sanatan Sanskrity throughout the world and the spiritual practice of the yoga of the divine body free of old age disease and death”.

To make the Sanatan Sanskrity propagation movement a worldwide movement as willed by Lord Lakulish, Pujya Pritam Muniji has established the “Lakulish Sanatan Sanskrity Prabodhan Abhiyan” as a registered Trust in New Delhi, capital of India, on 10th February 2010 and has entrusted responsibility to realize its objectives to followers in more than twenty-eight countries.