Welcome to lalkulish sanatan sanskriti Probodhan abhiyan

The institution aims at the worldwide propagation of peace, morality and dharma through the spread of Vedic knowledge for the success of human society everywhere without distinction of nationality, class, belief, religion or gender.

Spiritual knowledge is not restricted to religious books, spiritual Masters, or to rituals and observances but goes further to the realization of one’s own true Self and the knowledge that that true Self is a speck of God, its maker.

Lakulish Culture Centers:

To be established worldwide with the help of cultured and cultivated people as centers of culture, dharma and service through which to seek to root out thoughts and ideas which are destructive to peace, harmony, unity and brotherhood and to help establish the principle that all mankind is one family.

Lakulish Yoga World:

Arrangements are being put in place in twenty-eight countries for providing free instruction in Yoga through instructors trained by Pujya Pritam Muniji. It will be an aim of the program that it is accessible to all without distinction of class, spiritual belief, gender or any other distinction and as close as possible to their normal places of residence.
       Genuine spiritual seekers will be provided guidance concerning the various limbs of yoga under the guidance of Pujya Pritam Muniji. Seekers will personally experience the deep secret mysteries of yoga and spirituality by researching on themselves the various limbs of yoga such as mantras, kriyas, etc.

Lakulish Culture Publications:

A collection of more than a hundred publications in various world languages is planned under guidance of Pujya Pritam Muniji explaining the values of the Sanatan Culture as based on the Scriptures. These are presently in press. Spiritual discourses, devotional songs, prayers, etc. will be made available in the “Prem Aradhana” collection along with relevant literature necessary for the advancement of the movement.

Lakulish Sanatan Sanskrity Granthalay:

Libraries will be created in towns and villages in various countries to serve the needs of seekers desiring to have convenient access to spiritual works. Existing libraries will also be strengthened by supplying them educational/spiritual materials and media free of cost. These institutions will also be utilized to educate the community about community service programs of state and other institutions.

‘Sanatan Sanskrity’ Journal:

With the inspiration of Pujya Pritam Muniji a journal is being published under the name “Sanatan Sanskrity” in Hindi, English, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannad, Tamil, Orriya, Bengali, Assamese and Nepali languages with inspirational content covering Sanatan values and Sanatan Sanskrity. The scope of the publication will be widened to include other languages of the world also.

Lakulish Seva Yagya:

Community service programs for the needy in India and abroad. The institution is determinedly committed to this program, to be made available to all without discrimination of any kind and on any ground. Probable areas of activity will include:
      Medical Camps. Organize health care services with fully-equipped medical vans and personnel.
      Organize free distribution of blankets, footwear, used clothes, etc. to the needy.
      Organize roadside drinking water distribution points.
      Free distribution of raincoats, umbrellas etc. to the needy.
      Provide food and other relief to the needy effected by natural calamities.
      Promote and undertake plantation programs, conservation and environmental awareness programs to promote the message that the proper utilization of natural resources is critical to preserving the ecological balance critical to life in harmony with nature.
      Distribution of stationary etc. to needy students and motivate them to higher goals through proper guidance.

Lakulish Bhajan Vrand:

Organize free bhajan (devotional songs) evenings in India and abroad for the cultivation of piety and propagation of sanatan Sanskrity.

Cultural Programs:

With a view to making society more aware of culture and history, organize artists, historians, etc. to further the task of cultural awakening.

National Yuva Sammelan:

National Yuva Samelans (National Youth Jamborees) will be organized with the objective of advancing the mission of cultural resurgence. These will usually be so arranged as take place on dates close to Pujya Pritam Muniji’s birthday (14th February). During these jamborees the assembled youth will be given guidance for their own spiritual benefit and advancement as well as service of dharma and culture. This will be based on the Scriptures, accepted rules of social and individual conduct and consistent with the tenets of highest knowledge. These jamborees will aim at strengthening the principle of ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ – all mankind is one family, and will strive for world peace, unity and morality. The jamboree in 2011 will be organized in New Delhi; that in 2012 will be organized in Bangalore and that in 2013, planned as an international event, in Allahabad. All are cordially invited to these jamborees.

Other than necessary office and mass media equipment and tools, the institution will have no dealings of any kind in immovable property, including gift, donation, purchase or sale.