Welcome to lalkulish sanatan sanskriti Probodhan abhiyan

Refunds for Donations

If requested, the lalkulish sanatan sanskriti Probodhan abhiyan may choose to provide a refund in rare cases.

This will be entirely up to the members of the lalkulish sanatan sanskriti Probodhan abhiyan’s trust and only if all the conditions are met.

       The request for a refund is made within 7 days of donation
       The Donator has a valid reason for requesting the refund
       The Donator has provided to the lalkulish sanatan sanskriti Probodhan abhiyan’s trust with his/her payment details

Contact us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, You can contact us:

By email: sanskriti@lakulishsanskriti.org

By phone number: 9998038892