Welcome to lalkulish sanatan sanskriti Probodhan abhiyan

The Indian Puranic histories record twenty-eight incarnations of Lord Shiva, each manifesting at the end of a Dwapar Yuga and the beginning of a Kali Yuga. (Read Shiva Incarnations)The twenty eighth "avatar" of Lord Shiva, namely, Lord Lakulish, appeared at the ancient "teertha" of Kayavarohan, near Vadodara in Gujarat.

This occurred about four and a half thousand years ago, in the interregnum between the last Dwapar Yuga and the present Kali Yuga. He spread and extended spiritual awareness in this ancient land through his four disciples - Kushik, Garg, Mitra and Paurushya.

This spiritual tradition of Lord Lakulish survived for about three and a half thousand years. Then, with the passage of time, it passed and ceased. After the lapse of a millennium, the lineage was once again revived in modern times when Lord Lakulish himself gave 'yoga diksha' and explained the deep and profound mysteries of Divine Yoga to Swami Pranavanand in 1913 at the holy pilgrimage center of Haridvar. The first spiritual initiation in this lineage having been given by Lord Lakulish himself, its origins are divine.

All the Gurus of the parampara have been instructed in the profound mysteries of Divine Yoga and thus the knowledge and practice of yoga preserved and practiced in the lineage is of the highest order. (For more information, read Lakulish avatar).